Caught a Vibe.

Zoë Olojede.
2 min readJan 30, 2022

Caught a vii-be, caught the bug.

Been having a good deal of “caught a vii — ibee” moments, lately.

THE ANXIETY’s Meet Me at Our Spot isn’t particularly a new song, neither is it a new TikTok trend, but I all of a sudden noticed it a few weeks ago, and have been experiencing a lot of “caught a vii — ibee” moments, singing it out loud at the oddest times.

I also realise that I’ve not written a lot, lately.

I mean, I write for a living, I have told and shared stories almost every Sunday evening for the last one year through my personal weekly newsletter (which for the record, is kinda lit 😌), and my note-keeping apps and journals have been taking the heat for those moments when I want to share stuff. But, I still haven’t written a lot, lately.

Not sure if it’s the new year or something else, but it seems like more people have been writing these days. From blogs, Medium profiles, websites, newsletters, Instagram captions and series, Twitter threads, and the likes, almost everyone’s doing some form writing. I read several yearly reviews ‘til my eyes almost popped.

I think it’s beautiful.

I think it’s beautiful that we all go through similar things, yet the way we word our experiences is what makes it personal, and creates a way for the next person to relate to it on some level and feel what we we feel.

So, maybe this time, joining a bandwagon sits just right with me.

I think I’m ready to put myself out there too, again — to be more vulnerable, to share experiences and enjoy the (moments between the big) moments as they come.

Maybe one day, someone out there will be able to feel what I feel too. Maybe one day when I write, someone out there will feel happy reading the words they didn’t have the strength to string together.

So, yes. I caught that particular vibe.

But, are you coming for the ride?

Let this be our spot.



